Average HVAC Technician Salary in Illinois

The median HVAC technician salary in Illinois is $53,500 annually and $25.72 hourly, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

HVAC technician career snapshot

Median pay

$53,500 ($25.72/hr)

Required degrees


10-year job growth

5% (Average)

HVAC technicians enjoy a good work-life balance, job security, the ability to work on their feet, and access to benefits such as health insurance. Perhaps better than all of those, however, is great pay.

The average wage for an HVAC technician in Illinois is $25.72 per hour which comes out to $53,500 annually. Salaries depend on where you live in Illinois, how much experience you have, and what company you work for.

Here are the average HVAC salaries in Illinois by earnings percentile:

  • 10%: $30,920 ($14.87/hr)
  • 25%: $38,380 ($18.45/hr)
  • 50%: $53,500 ($25.72/hr)
  • 75%: $73,680 ($35.42/hr)
  • 90%: $84,950 ($40.84/hr)

Nationally, HVAC technician salaries can range anywhere from $30,000 to $80,000. The average HVAC salary in Illinois is higher than the national average of $50,590 for HVAC technicians and $45,760 for all occupations nationwide.

In addition, HVAC technician jobs are expected to grow by about 5% from 2020 to 2030.

If you're interested in a career in HVAC, check out our HVAC Illinois Training Program that can be done completely online and is paid for by local employers looking to hire graduates.

HVAC salaries in different Illinois cities

Here is a look at how HVAC technician salaries in Illinois vary by location:

LocationHourly WageAnnual Salary# JobsJobs Per 1000*
Bloomington$22.39 $46,560 1601.88
Carbondale-Marion$21.40 $44,510 1202.4
Champaign-Urbana$23.55 $48,990 1901.95
Chicago-Naperville-Elgin$28.75 $59,790 6,7701.6
Danville$27.97 $58,180 401.66
Decatur$28.73 $59,760 1202.62
Kankakee$22.07 $45,910 601.44
Peoria$22.28 $46,350 3001.94
Rockford$28.56 $59,410 2101.60
Springfield$24.00 $49,920 1401.48

*Refers to the number of jobs per 1,000 residents

How experience affects HVAC salaries in Illinois

Your experience, who your work for, and other factors have a large impact on your salary as an HVAC technician in Illinois. 

For example, in 2021, the top 10% of HVAC technicians in Illinois nationwide made $84,950, on average. On the other hand, the lowest 10% made $30,920.

Here’s a breakdown of average nationwide HVAC pay based on experience:

  • Entry/Mid-Level (0-5 years of experience). The average entry/mid-level salary for an HVAC technician is around $22 per hour. This equals $45,760 per year.
  • Senior Level (6-9 years). The average salary for a senior HVAC technician is $27.65 per hour. This equals $57,512 per year.
  • Manager Level (10+ years). The average salary for an HVAC technician manager is $32.83 per year. This equals $68,286 per year.

Keep in mind that since HVAC techs in Illinois make more than the national average, you can expect all of the numbers mentioned above to be higher in Illinois. 

HVAC salaries vs. other occupations in Illinois

Here is a look at how HVAC technician salaries in Illinois stack up to similar jobs in Illinois:

OccupationHourly WageAnnual Salary# JobsJobs Per 1000*
HVAC Technician$25.72 $53,500 9,3601.67
Electrician$42.74 $88,900 21,0503.75
Plumber$45.71 $95,090 15,7902.81

*Refers to the number of jobs per 1,000 residents

Common benefits HVAC technicians in IL can expect

As an HVAC technician in Illinois, you can expect to receive all of the major benefits that employers offer, such as:

  • Health insurance
  • Dental insurance
  • Vision insurance
  • Disability insurance
  • 401k (sometimes with matching)
  • Health savings account
  • Paid time off
  • Continuing education/training

How to improve your chances of getting a better HVAC salary in IL

There are some things you can do that can help you get a job as an HVAC technician or earn more money if you’re already one in Illinois, such as:

  • Get certifications/more certifications. HVAC certifications—such as the various NATE Certifications and EPA 608 Certifications—demonstrate your experience and knowledge in various parts of the industry. Having one or more can help you get hired if you’re just starting out or advance your career even if you’re a few years in.
  • Join a union. Unions help HVAC technicians get better pay and benefits, access to training, improved workplace safety, and more of a say in the direction of the company. Search for your local HVAC union to learn more about what it offers and how to join.
  • Stay on top of industry advancements. Like any job, staying on top of advancements in the field helps make sure you are up to date on the newest tools and technologies and can always perform jobs to the best of your ability.
  • Improve time management. Working efficiently and effectively as an HVAC technician helps the business’ bottom line while keeping customers happy. Try different time management strategies to figure out what works the best for you.
  • Work on communication skills. Always make sure to always address customers politely, ask for permission before entering into different areas of their homes, and be clear about the work you’re doing and the associated costs. When it comes to management, communicate any delays and issues ASAP and update them on your progress whenever possible.
  • Start your own company. Once you have enough experience, there is no quicker way to multiply your earnings than by starting your own company. Though it requires years of HVAC experience and business acumen, you can quickly start earning well into the six figures (or more) by operating your own company instead of being a technician for one.

>> Read More: Average HVAC Salary in Chicago